
  • 4 boiled and chilled potatoes (with skin)
  • 15 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Fresh herbs (oregano, thyme, parsley) or dried
  • 10 black olives
  • 1 tbsp capers (optional)
  • 2 tbsp toasted pine nuts
  • Anchovies in vinegar or sardines in extra virgin olive oil
  • A pinch of turmeric
  • Black pepper
  • Sea sal
  • Extra virgin olive oil


In a bowl, mix 4 boiled and chilled potatoes (with skin), 15 halved cherry tomatoes, fresh herbs (oregano, thyme, and chopped parsley, or dried if fresh aren't available), 10 black olives, 1 tbsp capers (optional), 2 tbsp toasted pine nuts, anchovies in vinegar or sardines in extra virgin olive oil. Season with a pinch of turmeric, black pepper, sea salt, and extra virgin olive oil. If you haven't chilled the potatoes overnight to increase resistant starch, you can use freshly boiled potatoes.

This simple and nutritious salad combines chilled boiled potatoes, rich in resistant starch (which supports the multiplication of healthy intestinal bacteria and reduces glucose spikes by 25-35%), with the healthy fats of blue fish like anchovies in vinegar or sardines in extra virgin olive oil. Small-sized blue fish is recommended for lower mercury content and best consumed raw or lightly cooked to preserve omega-3 benefits.


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